Who You Callin’ Crazy?!

Holding the Mystery of Faith in Therapy - Danielle Hughes (Therapist)

Juliet Kuehnle Season 3 Episode 6

In this episode, fellow therapist, Danielle Hughes, discusses what it means to be a faith-based counselor. She describes what it is like to have the permission to wrestle with spirituality in a therapy session, however a client may define spirituality for themselves.

Danielle and Juliet dive into some mental health buzzwords that need our attention: embodiment and radical acceptance. As they tease out what these get to look like for individual clients, the listener gets a feel for what holistic treatment (mind, body, and spirit) can entail. As humans, we so often try to think our way out of a problem or out of discomfort when our bodies, as Danielle says, are reading and responding to emotions. She says that we need to learn to listen to our bodies and perhaps connect to our spirituality, as well.

Danielle in her practice, Cultivate Charlotte, is working to be a greenhouse for growth and an ally in cultivating faith for clients.

Juliet on Instagram: @YepIGoToTherapy
Juliet's new book: Who You Callin' Crazy?!
Danielle's Website: Cultivate Charlotte