Who You Callin’ Crazy?!

Neurodivergent Superpower! - Matt Zakreski (psychologist, author, speaker)

Juliet Kuehnle Season 3 Episode 11

Dr. Matthew Zakreski (known as “Dr. Matt”) is a seasoned clinical psychologist and professional speaker renowned for his expertise in serving neurodivergent individuals (people with different brains such as gifted, ADHD, Autism, and dyslexia). Passionate about reducing stigma surrounding neurodiversity, Dr. Matt is driven by his mission to promote a culture of compassion and understanding in order to support people in embracing understanding and celebrating their unique brains and ways of operating in the world.
"Z" (as I've called him since college!) and I are aligned in our mission of authenticity and ending the stigma. We discuss the value of therapy when you "bring your tea-spillingest self as you find the courage to go there."

He is an expert in living, teaching, and working with neurodivergence. We dig into ADHD, the highly sensitive trait, dyslexia, autism, & giftedness to bring you better understanding. We discuss the process of diagnosing, differences between genders, being diagnosed later in life, and how common this really is (1 in 5 people are neurodivergent!). 

We also talk about bringing main character energy to your own life and how it's never too late to understand your own brain as that can only help enhance your well-being!

Juliet on Instagram: @YepIGoToTherapy
Juliet's Website: YepIGoToTherapy.com
Matt on Instagram: @DrMattZakreski
Matt's Websites: DrMattZakreski.com and The NeurodiversityCollective.com